get my

21 cosmic keys to your magic

All of my secrets for exactly where to look in your astrology and human design to remember your magic and amplify your success in life and business

Tell me, is this you…


You love to explore and learn about all things mystical.

You are a creative thinker and a visionary dreamer.

Yet at times you waver on your path.

You get caught up, burned out, confused.

You forget and lose touch with your uniqueness.

You feel like maybe you DO need to shift, just a little.

So that you can be more likable, more successful, more worthy.

But you know who you are deep within.

You know you're here to live your own highest frequency.

You need reminders, glimmers, of the essence. 

A reroute, a gentle nudge, a loving YES YOU CAN DO IT.



   Which is why I spent years experimenting and playing with what I  call systems of self-discovery, including Astrology and Human Design. Ancient ways of remembering our essence based on the energetic imprint that intertwines with you at the moment of your birth, endowing you with a cosmic compass, if you so choose to pick it up. 

I am here to live my soul's purpose, and so that's the primary way I love to dive into these systems - as a way to understand my purpose, gifts to share, and how to bring my work to the world.

I have distilled down the 21 aspects of my birth chart I come back to again and again for reminders. It is a language I have begun to speak that has profoundly shifted my life and continues to inspire me with the courage to create the work, no matter how wild and weird, I am called to create. 

Repeat after me

I am brilliantly unique and wildly talented. 

I know who I am in the depths of my soul. 

All I need is loving reminder that takes me deep into my uniqueness.

It's really so simple.

 This is the most straight forward guide to Astrology and Human Design you may ever receive. I am handing you what I do. What I have found to be the key elements I return to again and again. This is how I've learned the language of my astrology and Human Design, which gives me the bravery to stay true to my Self while also understanding my intricacies so much better. 

Are you getting excited to dive in?



These are the 21 places I look in my birth chart - in astrology and Human Design - to remind myself of my magic, especially around my purpose and soul work. I have been using these for YEARS to bring me back to center and stay true to myself no matter what temptations arise. 


It's my Cosmic Compass you could say.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside




Get to know your birth chart for the first time or more deeply as you learn the aspects I continually use to remind me of my magic, especially around my business and meaningful work I'm here to create. Learn my unique perspective on astro, why its so important to know your Houses, and how I recommend integrating Western and “true sky” sidereal astrology.



With these systems of self-discovery being so complex and vast, I break down the very basics you need to know about your HD, giving you a foundational view that you can jump off and go so much deeper. 


Cheat sheets

  Ever wanted a quick astro & HD cheat sheet, I call them Legends, you can refer back to as you learn the basics ofabout your self through these modalities? Voila!



  I share my exact strategy for researching my astrology and human design, based on MY chart and a list of my favorite astrologers and HD experts for you to continue the journey of self-discovery and remembering.

This is the end result

You are learning a new language, that of the cosmic you, which as you integrate this will start to become second nature, a way to understand and continually turn back to your brilliant uniquenes in life and work.

These aspects have been my secret, that I use over and over again, whenever I need to be reminded of who I am and what I'm here to share. I'm not holding them back any longer. 

You’ll learn how to...

Confidently navigate systems of self-discovery like HD and astrology even if you're a beginner. 


Get a deeper understanding of WHY these specific aspects of your chart are important for your gifts, work, and business. 


Know how I work with these keys to bring me back to center, like a cosmic compass 


Never need to spend countless hours googling the basics of astro and HD, you have cheat sheets of the major themes and meanings.


Get my strategy for researching and going deeper, which is about relying on your instinct and intuition 


Have a list of trusted experts in these fields to keep learning from


"Such a sweet, clear + concise guide for getting started with your Human Design + Astrology especially in relation to how you uniquely work in the world and weave your own magic!! And, I'm so incredibly honored to get a shout out, thanks Kelly!" 

- Amanda B, Barney + Flo(w)

“I am ENTHRALLED! This is such a masterpiece of information. You are truly so gifted at communicating information in the most succinct way that would otherwise be overwhelming. I will keep saying it, thank you for all the wisdom that you share!”

—Fawn Deviney

"Did you make the 21 Cosmic Keys specifically for me?? I have dabbled in astro and HD and gene keys… for many years but I always get so overwhelmed with it all, wishing there was a more concise way. I am not done with the PDF yet but I can tell this is exactly what I need to get myself organized and understand the tools all in one place in small digestible portions. Thank you!!! Truly!

—Jessy Griffin

“Just skimmed through this and it is so good! You should 100% be charging for this! Thank you so much. I had my first reading last week and excited to go back and listen to recording and use your guide to help me comb through and process the astrology.” 

—Kelsey Sperl

Ok, so how can i access these keys?

What I'm sharing here I've almost made into a course or masterclass - literally I've worked on this on and off for years - costing in the hundreds. But I am thrilled that this teaching came through in a succinct way and I can give it to you for an affordable price. I’m offering the 21 Cosmic Keys e-book for only. 


Use the code TAKETEN for $10 off



Limited time only free bonus



i have a present for you.

In addition to the eBook sharing all my keys to astrology and Human Design, I am giving you my Numerology Workbook that you can decode your life’s journey through your birth date and name.  

This is a step-by-step guide that will take you through what Numerology is, my unique way of working with it, and show you how to calculate your numbers. 

You receive insights into the meaning of each number and space in the workbook to journal and write about your reflections with my reflection prompts.  

If you’re ever been curious what numerology is, what your numbers are, and start playing with them, this is so perfect for you!


The noise is loud and pressure intense - from childhood programming to social media - to pursue their definitions of success. This is one of my primary tools of remember, how I shut out the naysayers, get clear on my gifts, and find the courage to keep remember and becoming more fully me. No matter what anyone else thinks. 

My journey with HD and astrology has been a winding one. I’ve studied them for years. I even did readings, I called them Purpose Readings, back in 2019. I integrating these modalities, along with numerology, into the coaching I was doing. There were many reasons I didn’t continue, one being that the readings burned me out (I’m a Projector so 1-1 work isn’t sustainable for me). I have a vast range of interests and I wasn’t feeling it was right to niche myself in these systems like so many genius experts have.


Typical rebel energy, making perfect sense as my Midheaven, the highest point in the sky when I was born, was in Aquarius, falling in the 9th House of Sagittarius. So a rebellious energy, desire to be in service to humanity, creative but also scientific, and expressed through study and learning, are all natural to me. This is the power of knowing the language of YOU through your chart.


I’ll be honest - at times I relied too heavily on these systems, and at other times I put them aside entirely, doubting them and the method of using them to help me remember. But I can’t help it. These systems are so wildly accurate. For some strange reason, that imprint of the moment of your birth onto the sky (well really the calendar, I explain this in the ebook) tells a tale of your gifts, your purpose, and your wounds as well. I can’t explain it, but I know it in my bones and I’ve experienced it continually (shout out to the 7 planets in retrograde right now).


I am not here to become the next *expert* in either HD or astro, I’m here to share what works for ME (3/5 experimenter/teacher here!) and my unique, if at times singular, insights into these systems. This ebook contains exactly what I do, what I look at, to find the courage to be myself in life and my work, despite the “I should's." 

*All photos of Kelly by Victoria Pietri. All other images via Pinterest.


It’s time to remember your magic.